
Showing posts from August, 2023

Finding a Reputable Collie Breeder

  The iconic Collie is a herding breed dog with a loyal demeanor. When people think of a collie, Lassie immediately comes to mind with her flowing locks, barky personality, and loyalty to her family. Many people are not aware that the Collie comes in two different varieties: rough and smooth. Lassie was, of course, the rough variety. With the rise in puppy scammers and so many people falling victim, it is more important than ever to do your due diligence and search out a reputable Collie breeder. Reputable breeders do tend to charge more for their puppies, but the amount of research, resources, time, and energy put into their breeding program makes the higher prices worth it.  A good breeder will take the time to get to know you and the type of home you are able to provide a new puppy. If you are new to the breed, an ethical breeder will give you explain the pros and cons of owning a Collie and dig a little deeper into your home and lifestyle to make sure this breed is a good choic